Scent-Sation! Created by L’Oréal’s Technology Incubator, Yves St Laurent and a team of industry experts, alongside EMOTIV, this unique, state-of-the-art fragrance in-store consultation experience connects neuro responses to fragrance preferences through a multi-sensor EEG-based headset*. The headset uses machine learning algorithms that interpret EEG, while consumers experience proprietary scent families, to provide the ability to accurately sense and monitor behaviour, preferences, stress and attention in real-world contexts. This industry first helps consumers determine their perfect scent best matched to their emotions.
According to Stephan Bezy, International General Manager at Yves St Laurent Beauté: ”This immersive experience connects fragrance preference to emotion for the first time. It’s a huge technological breakthrough that will help decode what consumers want to smell as he or she discovers new fragrances. We’re excited to empower consumers with powerful insights and help make their search for the perfect scent both easier and grounded in how it makes them feel”.
Research underpins the need for this. 77% of consumers want their fragrance to bring them emotional benefits.Through a blind test, L’Oréal found that people connect various emotions, including happiness and relaxation, to their scent preference. More than half of consumers aged 12-34 say they choose a fragrance based on their mood.
This is where Scent-Sation comes into play. This breakthrough system captures 5 different feel-good emotions triggered by 14 different accords, representing 27 YSL fragrances. It then translates them into a unique, personalized selection of 3 YSL scents.
So, how does it work? What are the 5 steps of this personalized fragrance finder diagnosis experience? Here’s how Scent-Sation is explained by YSL Beauté to all.
Step 1. Emotional profiling.
Answer 8 questions and the algorithm determines which 6 accords are most likely to stimulate you, make you feel good – musk, aquatic, creamy woods, solar florals….
Step 2. Connect Scent and emotion with YSL Scent-Sation
A specially-trained beauty advisor adjusts the YSL Scent-Sation headset on your head. As you smell the 6 accords ‘blind’, your turns scent into emotion. When you breathe in an accord, are you relaxed, focused, less stressed, stimulated or energized? The captors on the headset register how each olfactory note stimulates your neural activity by measuring the electrical impulses they trigger in specific areas of your brain.