
Introduction by: Peter Marshall

This is the second part of the interview with Koral Ibrahim, Founder, The Ready House. It is every bit as interesting and eye-opening as the first. This video kicks off with introducing The Ready House’s very own ‘data-scraping’ technology, amusingly called ‘Our Way Iin’. Yes, the spelling is correct for it stands for: Interrogating Culture, Instigating Stories and Navigating Change and it is a quite extraordinary ‘cultural’ tool that can be applied to retailers and brands alike. Koral then cites some examples where this has been used, which reflect the fact that preconceptions of what some retailers and brands think their audience is can be easily misplaced.


Koral argues quite forcibly that today’s value metrics need to start changing to better reflect today’s changing consumer needs and wants. Retail spaces need to be used to unlock digital communities and, again, Koral lists a number of brands and companies that are getting it right.


It’s another fascinating look at how to improve the current retail offer. Take a look at the Tags below to see the ground the interview covers. The thinking here is new, it’s bold, it works and it’s definitely worth sharing. Travel Retail needs to wise up.



Peter Marshall

Founder: Arts
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